
Bringing many years of experience in the field of community and rural tourism, Village Way Partnership has developed appropriate training approaches, using both external and village community expertise. We can offer unique training skills to clients wishing to collaborate with us in developing new village tourism enterprises.

Our training capacity includes developing Training Strategies, engaging  Community Training Resources from our own VTE members, mobilising External Training Resources and Partners and establishing a Responsible Tourism Resource Centre.


Training Strategies

Training Advice  

We develop strategies to meet training needs, including personal development of our staff and VTE members, to maintain our standards of accommodation, safety and quality of holiday experiences across all VTEs. We regularly monitor and review training needs and means to meet them, as well as proposing refresher training where required. Village Ways Partnership can provide advice and guidance to tourism-related organisations that seek collaboration, including formal and non-formal training courses appropriate to their staff to promote skills in responsible tourism. This is possible through our extensive international network within the tourism industry and academic institutes.


Community Training Resources

Provision of Trainers  

We encourage maximum use of our own VTE members and local Coordinators as trainers. Our village partners have developed valuable skills in hospitality, guesthouse management, cooking and guiding. We therefore use their skills in new VTEs, where they can apply their practical experience to guide new community members. Our Indian VTE members act as trainers across the country as well as in Nepal.


External Training Resources and Partners

Guided Workshops  

We have close links with several UK training-related institutions. The Leeds Metropolitan University, Department of Responsible Tourism, provides support in monitoring and impact evaluation of Village Ways enterprises, the Cambridge Humanitarian Centre sources volunteer English language trainers, and the Cambridge University, Centre for Sustainable Development, for support in rural engineering training. We provide trainers to assist our tourism enterprises as required.

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Responsible Tourism Resource Centre, India

Potential Clients  

We have established a Responsible Tourism Resource Centre (RTRC) at Khali Estate, in the Himalayas of Uttarakhand, to facilitate the sharing of experiences in the wider issues of responsible, community-based tourism. The RTRC provides our new or potential partners an ideal venue in which to understand the concepts of Village Ways in practice, with our community members.

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